Select your Australian voice artists

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info
Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info
Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info
Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info
Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info
Aimee S Info
Bazz B Info
Dan G Info
Inga N Info
Les H Info
Matt C Info
Matt G Info
Thomas B Info
Wendy H Info
Zehra N Info


 Video voiced by Dan G.

Tips when organizing your voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling error or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English if your script is to be translated.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e. weeks, months and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation.

Adelphi offices

Adelphi Studio offers subtitling and voice-over services globally from our offices in the UK and the USA.

All US, Canadian, and South American inquiries should be directed to our US office while all other inquiries should go to our UK office.

UK Office
Tel : +44 (0)114 272 3772

US Office
Tel : 916 414 8714

Subtitling Services

Adelphi Studio also produces Australian and foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web or as a DVD with language menus.

English subtitling Services

Click on the video to play