Tamil voice-overs

Tamil voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the “+” icon to add voices to your favorites list; these voices will then be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

The audio player provides a download button to access any of the available audio files.

Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info
Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info
Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info
Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info
Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info
Jayanthi S - Tamil Info
Rupa K Info
Samuel R Info
Shereen - Tamil Info
Sowmea Info

Spotlight: Tamil voice artists

This video has both Tamil subtitles and Tamil voice-over
it was also subtitled and voiced in Russian, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto, Hindi,
French, Dari, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Pashto.

Tips for voice-overs

  1. Check the script thoroughly for any spelling or grammar issues before recording to reduce the chance of mistakes and the need for re-recording, which can save time and money.
  2. Ensure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, as any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  3. Compile a list or glossary of words, product names, etc. that need to be kept in English.
  4. Provide reference materials and determine if the content has already been translated or voiced into the required language, as this may provide established ways to spell and pronounce certain terms.
  5. Clarify the intended video usage, as many voice artists charge differently based on factors like TV broadcast, radio, internet, IVR, or e-learning.
  6. Be mindful of buyout terms for broadcast usage, as the cost and duration (weeks, months, years) can vary depending on the target countries and regions.

Tamil voice-over translations

Translating English into Tamil for the creation of Tamil voice overs is a complex and nuanced process that requires a deep understanding of both languages, as well as the cultural contexts they stem from.

The task goes far beyond simply converting the spoken dialogue word-for-word, as the translator must carefully consider factors like colloquialisms, idioms, and cultural references that may not have direct equivalents.

They must also account for differences in sentence structure, grammar, and the overall flow of the language. Crafting effective Tamil voice overs is further complicated by the technical constraints, as the text must be concise enough to fit within the allotted space and time frames on the screen without losing the essence of the original message.

Careful editing and refinement is essential to ensure the voice overs read naturally allowing Tamil-speaking viewers to fully engage with and comprehend the content just as their English-speaking counterparts do.

Transcription Services

Our transcription service provides time-coded scripts to assist with Tamil translation. However, many target languages expand beyond the original English, so translators must take care to preserve the true meaning. For voice-overs, we sometimes need to condense the English script, as the spoken version in other languages is often significantly longer and may not fit the allotted time.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

We provide Tamil subtitles in two formats – as burned-on titles or as separate SRT files. The SRT files are compatible with a wide range of video players, ensuring your content is ready for publication in multiple languages.


Taiwanese voice-overs

Taiwanese voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + and the artists will be automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

The audio files can be saved by using the download button on the audio player.


Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Taiwanese voice artists

All our Taiwanese voice artists have been selected to offer a variety of ranges and styles covering everything from Commercials, Films, IVR’s (Interactive voice response), narrations, etc., for you to choose from.

Taiwanese voice-over translations

Adelphi aims to provide a full service to our customers and our experienced translation team will work with you to fully comprehend your project to effectively manage the workflow from concept to delivery.

Transcription Services

We also offer a full transcription service to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages may expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English. We sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Taiwanese.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

As part of the localization services we also offer Taiwanese to English Subtitling, including translation, transcription, and SRT creation.

Adelphi offices

Adelphi Studio offers subtitling and voice-over services globally from our offices in the UK and the USA.

All US, Canadian, and South American inquiries should be directed to our US office while all other inquiries should go to our UK office.

US Office
Tel : 916 414 8714
Email: us@adelphistudio.com

UK Office
Tel : +44 (0)114 272 3772
Email: sales@adelphistudio.com



Tagalog voice-overs

Tagalog voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info
Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info
Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info
Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info
Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info
Bob B Info
Brian L Info
Cristina SI Info
Jingle Info
Jonas T Info
Kiko Info
Lenie L Info
Maria AN
Stephen L Info

Spotlight: Tagalog voice artists

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

English speaking Tagalog voice-overs

We also have some Tagalog accented English voice artists and are adding new Tagalog artists speaking English all the time. With our impressive number of options, dedicated support, and technical expertise, Adelphi is a voice-over agency you can rely on.

A recent voice-over project for Best Western was recorded in 18 languages.

Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Tagalog voice-over translations

Adelphi aims to provide a full service to our customers and the Tagalog voice-over translation itself is just a part of this service. Our experienced team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion. Our ultimate aim is to facilitate your communication objectives.

Read more about our voice-over translation services. Adelphi Studio is a full-service translation agency producing not only Tagalog voice-overs and translations but also typesetting and subtitling.

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Tagalog.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.

Swedish voice-overs

Swedish voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info
Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info
Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info
Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info
Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info
Anna N Info
Bjorn D Info
Claes D Info
Daniel V Info
Irene P Info
Johan L Info
Joseph B Info
Kim I Info
Lena D Info
Mathias H Info
Tomas L Info
Ulf B Info

Spotlight: Swedish voice artists

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Swedish-accented English Voice-overs

English voice-overs with a Swedish accent. Our Swedish voice artists speaking English offer great options for your Audio project. Adelphi provides Swedish accented English voice recordings to customers all over the world.

A recent project for Best Western Hotels in 18 languages

Best Western video using our Swedish Male Voice Artist Stefan.
Click on the video to play

This project was also recorded in Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Swedish voice-over translations

As part of our Swedish voice-over service, Adelphi provides a full translation service to our customers. Our experienced translation team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion.

If the Swedish audio is going to be used over a video, then the voice-over translation could include time-codes to help the engineer sync up the audio to the video.

The style of translation is important for voice-over translations and should reflect the genre, e.g. if it is for marketing, public information, drama, etc. The audio translator will have a copy of the video as a reference and is instructed to translate using a style to match the source material. All our translators have signed an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Swedish.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.

Click on the video to play

Swahili voice-overs

Swahili voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info
Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info
Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info
Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info
Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info
Andrew M Info
Baraka Info
Cynthia K Info
Daniel L Info
Elizabeth A Info
Ezden J Info
Hillary H Info
James W Info
Jared Info
Raymond Info
Saida M
Sophia M
Vivian W Info

Spotlight: Swahili voice artists

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

A recent voice-over project for Best Western was recorded in 18 languages.

Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean. Here are just a few examples.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Swahili voice artists

Our Swahili voice artists have been carefully selected to give a range of styles suitable for Commercials, Films, IVR’s (Interactive voice response), narrations, etc., for you to choose from.

Swahili voice-over translations

Adelphi aims to provide a full translation service to our customers. The translation itself is just a part of this service. Our experienced team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion. Our ultimate aim is to facilitate your communication objectives.

Adelphi Studio is part of Adelphi Translations Ltd a full-service translation agency producing not only Swahili translations but also Swahili typesetting and Swahili Subtitling.

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Swahili.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling projects

Somali voice-overs

Somali voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Abdi G
Shalle Y
Abdi G
Shalle Y
Abdi G
Shalle Y
Abdi G
Shalle Y
Abdi G
Shalle Y
Abdi G
Shalle Y

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Somali voice-over translations

Adelphi provides a full Somali voice-over service to our customers and the translation itself is just a part of this service. Our experienced project managers will work with you to understand your project and effectively organize the workflow from concept to delivery.

We not only produce Somali voice-overs and translations but also Somali typesetting and Somali subtitling.

Transcription services

Our transcription service provides time-coded scripts for the Somali translation. As the length of some languages does expand when compared to the English, care must be taken in the translation not just to keep the meaning of the English, but also to stay in the time frame allowed.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.

Somali subtitling services

Adelphi offices

Adelphi Studio offers subtitling and voice-over services globally from our offices in the UK and the USA.

All US, Canadian, and South American inquiries should be directed to our US office while all other inquiries should go to our UK office.

US Office
Tel : 916 414 8714
Email: us@adelphistudio.com

UK Office
Tel : +44 (0)114 272 3772
Email: sales@adelphistudio.com

Slovak voice-overs

Slovak voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info
Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info
Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info
Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info
Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info
Adam A
Barbora K Info
Jan M
Katarina K
Zuzana R Info

Spotlight: Slovak voice artists

Voice-over by Zuzana R

A recent voice-over project for Best Western was recorded in 18 languages.

Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean. Here are just a few examples.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Slovak voice-over translations

Adelphi aims to provide a full translation service to our customers. The translation itself is just a part of this service. Our experienced team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion. Our ultimate aim is to facilitate your communication objectives.

If the voice-over is going to be used over a video of a different language, then the voice-over translation may include time-codes to help the voice-artist and engineer sync up the voice to the video. Style of translation can be important for voice-over translation and must reflect the genre, such as if it is for marketing, public information, drama, etc. The translator will receive a copy of the video as a reference and be instructed to translate in a style matching the source material.

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Slovak.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.

Slovak subtitling services
Click on the video to play

Serbian voice-overs

Serbian voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the “+” icon to add voices to your favorites list; these voices will then be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

The audio player provides a download button to access any of the available audio files.

Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info
Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info
Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info
Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info
Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info
Aleksandar S
Ljiljana S Info
Snjezana - Serbian Info

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script thoroughly for any spelling or grammar issues before recording to reduce the chance of mistakes and the need for re-recording, which can save time and money.
  • Ensure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, as any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Compile a list or glossary of words, product names, etc. that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and determine if the content has already been translated or voiced into the required language, as this may provide established ways to spell and pronounce certain terms.
  • Clarify the intended video usage, as many voice artists charge differently based on factors like TV broadcast, radio, internet, IVR, or e-learning.

A recent voice-over project for Best Western was recorded in 18 languages.

Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean. Here are just a few examples.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Professional audio editing

At Adelphi, we provide professionally edited audio as a standard for all our voice-over projects. But what does that entail exactly?

Once the raw, unedited audio data is recorded, we thoroughly review and refine it before delivering the final, professional-quality voice-over files to our clients. Our quality assurance process includes:

  • Carefully listening to the audio to check for any errors, ensure proper pronunciation, and verify all segments have been recorded
  • Adjusting the timing and pacing, removing overly long pauses
  • Normalizing the audio levels to maintain consistent volume throughout

By meticulously editing and fine-tuning the audio, we transform the raw recordings into clean, professional-sounding Serbian voice-over files that meet our high standards.

Transcription services

Our transcription service provides time-coded scripts to assist with Serbian translation. However, many target languages expand beyond the original English, so translators must take care to preserve the true meaning. For voice-overs, we sometimes need to condense the English script, as the spoken version in other languages is often significantly longer and may not fit the allotted time.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

We translate and create Burnt on Serbian subtitles or create SRT subtitle files compatible with a wide range of video formats, ensuring your content is ready for publication.

Serbian subtitling services

Click on the video to play

Russian voice-overs

Spotlight: Russian voice artists

A great selection of Russian voice artists

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M
Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M
Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M
Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M
Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M
Alexey K Info
Andrew C Info
Andrew C - Ukranian Info
Andrew U
Andrey M
Dana R
Dmitriy G - Russian Info
Dmitriy Z
Dmytro K - Russian Info
Irina V Info
Ivan D - Russian Info
Kira M
Masha P Info
Natasha V Info
Nik - Russian Info
Olga G Info
Sergei O Info
Sergey A
Sergey P
Serhiy Z - Russian Info
Serhiy Z - Ukrainian Info
Slava T Info
Taras - Russian Info
Vlad K Info
Vladimir M

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Russian-accented English voice-overs

In addition to our Russian language services, we have a growing number of Russian accented English voice artists. Our English-speaking Russian voice-over artists offer a number of options for your audio project. Adelphi Studio provides Russian accented English voice recordings to customers all over the world.

A recent project for Best Western Hotels in 18 language

Russian Voice Over recorded with Alexey M for Best Western Hotels
Click on the video to play

This video was also recorded in Danish, Dutch, English UK, Finnish, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean.

To see the full story about our voice-overs for Best Western in 18 languages Click here

Russian voice-over translations

If the voice-over is going to be used over a video of a different language, then the voice-over translation may include time-codes to help the voice-artist and engineer sync up the voice to the video. The style of translation can be important for voice-over translation and must reflect the genre, such as if it is for marketing, public information, drama, etc. The translator will receive a copy of the video as a reference and be instructed to translate in a style matching the source material.

Our experienced translation team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion. Our ultimate aim is to facilitate your communication objectives.

Adelphi Studio is part of Adelphi Translations Ltd a full-service translation agency producing not only Russian translations but also Russian typesetting and Russian subtitling.

Russian transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Russian.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Russian subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.

Russian Subtitling Sample
Click on the video to play

Romanian voice-overs

Romanian voice artist selection made easy

  1. Click the + to add voices to favorites and these will automatically be included in your quote request.
  2. Fill out the rest of the form and we will get back to you with a quote.

You can download any of the audio files with the download button on the audio player.

Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info
Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info
Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info
Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info
Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info
Adriana P Info
Alex T Info
Cosmina A
Ioana B Info
Marinela C Info
Marius I
Nicu T
Silvia G Info
Vlad T Info

Spotlight: Romanian voice artists

Voice-over by Adriana P

Tips for voice-overs

  • Check the script for any spelling errors or grammar issues before the recording. This reduces the chance of any mistakes being made and re-recording to correct them, saving you time and money.
  • Make sure the script you send is the final version before we start recording, any changes afterward can be expensive to rectify.
  • Make a list or glossary of words, product names, etc that need to be kept in English.
  • Provide reference materials and find out if the subject has already been translated or voiced into the language you require. This might mean there are already established ways to spell and pronounce product names etc.
  • Check Video usage as many voice artists charge depending on the end usage of the video i.e TV broadcast, radio broadcast, internet, IVR, and e-learning.
  • Be aware of buyouts for broadcast usage, as the buyout duration may differ in terms of cost and length (the period of when the material can be shown i.e weeks, months, and years) depending on the country and regions the material is broadcast in.

Romanian-accented English voice-overs

We also have a range of Romanian accented English voice artists and are adding new Romanian artists speaking English every day. With our impressive number of options, dedicated support, and technical expertise, Adelphi is a voice-over agency you can rely on.

Romanian voice-over translations

Adelphi aims to provide a full translation service to our customers. The translation itself is just a part of this service. Our experienced team will work with you to fully understand your project in order to effectively manage the workflow from concept to completion. Our ultimate aim is to facilitate your communication objectives. Adelphi ensures that all our translators are professional and work only in their mother tongue. This ensures accuracy.

If the voice-over is going to be used over a video of a different language, then the voice-over translation may include time-codes to help the voice-artist and engineer sync up the voice to the video. Style of translation can be important for voice-over translation and must reflect the genre, such as if it is for marketing, public information, drama, etc. The translator will receive a copy of the video as a reference and be instructed to translate in a style matching the source material.

Adelphi Studio is part of Adelphi Translations Ltd a full-service translation agency producing not only Romanian translations but also typesetting and subtitling.

Transcription services

We also provide transcription services in any language, to provide the time-coded scripts for translation. The length of many languages will expand when compared to original English and care must be taken in the translation to keep the true meaning of the English, while staying within the time frame allowed. For voice-overs and depending on the language, we sometimes have to edit the English to make a more concise version of the original, this is because the spoken version of many languages is much longer than the English and would not fit in the allocated time slot. Of course, the edited English is approved by the client before translation into Romanian.

Articulate Storyline localization service

We can translate not just the text from your Articulate Storyline course itself but also localize all of the button and slider content too, we also add voice-overs and subtitles to any embedded videos using translated scripts and voice talents we can provide.

Subtitling services

Adelphi Studio also translates and produces foreign language subtitles in all video formats such as MOV, MPEG-2, WMV, FLV, etc., making it ready to publish for film, TV, the web, or as a DVD with language menus.